“The Miracle isn’t that I Finished, The Miracle is that I had the Courage to Start”

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Who has the Blues

I have been avoiding blogging and feeling a bit BLAH! I know I have a touch of the BLUES!  Lately, I have been feeling heavy, literally I mean FAT and unmotivated.  It has been 2 weeks since I was put in the dreaded boot for a torn tendon, and 9 weeks total since the doc said you need to take time off.  I am not enjoying the REST as much as I probably should.  I have a lot of Running on my mind. 

Today I Swam for 30 minutes.  It did feel great to be in the pool, especially since we have been having a Heat Wave and even the mornings are pretty miserable.  But I just don’t get the same rush I do from Running or Spinning.  I am the girl that sweats buckets and then heads to the grocery store.  I know gross!  But I love that feeling.  Don’t get me wrong I do like to swim. Just don’t feel like I get the same workout.  I keep telling myself This is good for me, I need to work on my Cross Training.  And hey maybe a Triathalon is in my future…

I feel so out of the Loop and and disconnected.  I keep missing things.  I miss playing golf with the girls on Tuesday evenings.  I miss all the great conversations and laughter during a long run with JL.  I miss training for the 3 races I have at the end of the year. I miss my i-pod and my garmin. I miss all the food I could eat because I RUN!  I just don’t even feel like a runner anymore.

 And yes I will take some cheese with my whine!

The one thing that is keeping me sane, is reading all your blogs! Even though I have not been posting, I have been reading.  You all are amazing and so inspirational.  Congrats to all the R&R Runners, and anyone that was able to just get out and run.  Bravo!!!    Next time could you strap a camera to your head or body so I can virtually run with you?  I promise to be good company... Now that would be so cool!

If you are going to Run, Run Half Crazy!


ashley said...

you poor thing! i would be doing lots of wining! i hate that you have been down and out, but hopefully you'll be fully healed soon!

That Pink Girl said...

Ugh, staying positive while on "injured reserve" is a tough one. You are wise to try new things. Summer is the perfect time for swimming and it's a workout that can shred some serious calories!

Anonymous said...

Besides being busy. The kids are out of school so I don't have much computer time until school starts again. I still can't comment on some blogs for some reason, so I am frustrated that I can't communicated with some of my new found friends.