“The Miracle isn’t that I Finished, The Miracle is that I had the Courage to Start”

Monday, May 9, 2011

Motivation Monday #8

Hello Runners, I am starting my 3rd week of no running.  It has been really tough!  I know you understand.

Yesterday was gorgeous, perfect day for a run.   I was a good girl and just whined most of the day about not being able to run.

 My foot is feeling so much better; I am even out of the night splint.  I am coming back stronger, wait and see...

Motivation Monday

Saying you don't have enough time is a bad reason to not run. There's always time for a run.

Kathleen Sebelius

Wrapped in our silver capes and adorned with medals and salt streaked caps as our crowns, we were princesses of pain, loving every minute of it. Isn't it the weirdest thing? Something so damn hard, so humbling, so fickle, so painful, is also the thing we seek on purpose?

Kristen Armstrong

Kristin Armstrong, after running the 2011 Boston Marathon

There's no magic to running far or climbing Everest. Endurance is mental strength. It's all about heart.

Bear Grylls

When it comes time to go after a goal, starting the belief system early will create the mental road map the body can follow leading up to the event.

Terrence Mohan

When I finish a run, every part of me is smiling.  
Jeff Galloway
If your going to run, Run Half Crazy!


Anonymous said...

Awesome quotes!!!!!! Thank you!!

Jessie said...

That last one has always been my favortie!!!